The One Billion People Protected Campaign™ is Dale Allen’s leading advocacy, guiding The Knights of Safety™ in this mission to innovate the safety industry – starting with the safe use of chemicals through The International Association for Chemical Safety™.
We are working to remove the financial barriers currently restricting chemical users from accessing the systems they need to allow for the safe use of chemicals and to comply with safety regulations.
As part of the OBPP campaign, we are gathering our champions of safety and helping people gain better insight into the dangers present around them, access tools and resources to help them fight against these hazards, and prepare a path to safety knighthood which anyone with the will to be safe, can journey through.
The core beliefs of The International Association for Chemical Safety™ are that safety training and safety data sheets should be freely accessible to everyone. These key tools are provided through:
The Knights of Safety™ Academy Free Online Training and Certification Courses
More than 60 free training courses in Chemical Safety, COSHH Compliance, Risk Assessment Certification, Occupational Safety, COVID-19, and Mental Health.
The International Safety Data Sheet Service™ Accessible Online SDS Inventory
The world's most comprehensive library of freely accessible Safety Data Sheets called The International Safety Data Sheet Service™ (ISDSS).
Through these free online tools, you’ll be able to take away the headache of Safety Data Sheet inventory management and educate your team, again for free, on how to use those chemicals safely.