Why do you need Risk Assessments?
Risk Assessments are critical to maintaining the safety standards in your business or workplace. Businesses are required by law to protect their employees from hazards and risks – especially those who have work process in place that involved the use of hazardous substances.
Creating and managing your risk assessments should be part of your risk management process. According to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, your team should be aware of the hazards, risks, and controls needed to eliminate or reduce the risks involved.
A risk assessment document allows you to identify those hazards, risks, and controls for each task and each substance that could potentially hold you liable for injuries or sickness that stems from long term exposure.
Risk Assessments are essential to keeping your business safe, preventing potential risks, and safeguarding your team.
Can you use SDS as a Risk Assessment?
No, SDS are not the same thing as a risk assessment but SDS do contain the information you need to create your chemical risk assessments.
We’ve found that over a quarter of businesses in the UK are putting their companies and their team at risk for noncompliance and liability without knowing it. Employers whose company uses dangerous chemicals, or produce hazardous substances through a work process, are required to perform chemical risk assessments on every one of those work activities.
However, the process of creating assessments can be confusing and time consuming, and many often use inadequate assessment techniques to speed up the process. This usually means that the control measures they decide on during the assessment process aren't sufficient to control the risk presented by the hazard. Even worse is the fact that others skip the entire process altogether and use the SDS as an assessment, which is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business.
What is The Instant Chemical Risk Assessment Service™?
Creating Chemical Risk Assessments can take time, but with the Instant Chemical Risk Assessment Service™, you can access all the information you need all laid out in a single page document.
These Chemical Risk Assessments contain all the necessary information you need from your substance SDS in a format that is usable and easy to understand. These documents are ready to use for tasks which require the use of the hazardous substance.
The Instant Chemical Risk Assessment Service™ enables your team to simply choose the substances you use, and the system generates the chemical risk assessments for you. This means that you no longer need to copy all the information from your SDS, the risk assessment will be ready in just seconds after you’ve selected your substance.