The S.A.F.E.R. Chemical Initiative™

The first objective is for you to supply all your SDS to the international registry in the required format. You
may specify those SDS that need to be confidential.

Now you must advise your customers and suppliers that your SDS have been provided to the registry and that they now have access to the free SDS inventory system to help them manage all their SDS easily.

Most people have a day job and SDS management usually isn't it so they need to be reminded by
follow-up communication that your SDS and their free inventory system is ready for them to use to help them.
Having an SDS is useful - having a risk assessment is crucial. It's your duty of care to go the extra mile and educate your customer to the benefits of risk assessment and provide them with their free risk assessment system.

When you periodically review and revise your SDS, you need to repeat the process of supplying your revised SDS to the international library and advise your chemical users and/or distributors of the revision.