IACS to introduce food technology education in Bhopal, India.
I want to tell you about the victims of Bhopal, India. On the night of December 2, 1984 a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India leaked methyl isocynate gas and other chemicals, creating a dense toxic cloud over the region. More than 8,000 people were killed in just the first few days following the leak, mainly from cardiac and respiratory arrest.
Dubbed as possibly the worsed chemical disaster of all time, it has harmed over 550,000 people and killed an estimated 20,000.
More than 40 tons of methyl isocyante (MIC) gas created a dense cloud over a resident population of more than half a million people. People woke in their homes to fits of coughing, their lungs filling with fluid. The chemical factory responsible for this disaster belonged to Union Carbide, which negotiated a settlement with the Indian Government in 1989 for $470 million - a total of only $370 to $533 per victim - a sum too small to pay for most medical bills. In 1987, a Bhopal District Court charged Union Carbide officials, including then CEO Warren Anderson, with culpable homicide, grievous assault and other serious offences. In 1992, a warrant was issued for Anderson's arrest.
But justice has eluded the people of Bhopal for more than 20 years. Dow has since merged with Union Carbide and India have been left to clean up the toxic poisons left behind.
More than 20,000 people still live in the vicinity of the factory and are exposed to toxic chemicals through groundwater and soil contamination. A whole new generation continues to get sick, from cancer and birth defects to everyday impacts of aches and pains, rashes, fevers, eruptions of boils, headaches, nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, and constant exhaustion.
The story of the Bhopal chemical disaster is truly devastating. I could not include images on this page of the victims because they are too painful to see. If you have a stomach for it, here is a link for you to see some of the tragic victims (you have been warned). If you do see it, you'll understand why I feel so strongly about helping the victims who are still left alive with mutations and disabilities.
So, how can you help?
That's a great question! Here's the answer...
I have been developing a new technology with the help of Lancaster University, England. The projects that we have completed have shown that the technology now exists to create climate controlled farms in recycled shipping containers. My mission through IACS is to deliver this technology to Bhopal and to educate families in the Bhopal area on how to grow extremely high quality vegetables in what I call 'Disaster Relief Technology Farms'.
Here are some of the goals of my mission:
Develop and fund the construction of transportable farm containers
Work with the Indian government to deliver 'Technology Farming'
Educate families to produce high quality food
Provide jobs
Provide a charitable food source
Help to rebuild the Bhopal region
Bring additional funding to support clean up projects

The technology I have been developing will help more than the victims of Bhopal. Once we've started the work, I will be looking at providing the same technology to any part of the world that needs help with sustainable food production.

Dale Allen
​Award Winning Author of The Books on Safety™
Founding Chairman of The International Association for Chemical Safetyâ„¢
Pioneer of National Chemical Safety Weekâ„¢
Founder of The Knights of Safetyâ„¢